Tuesday, September 8, 2009

SAT prep

1 Abhor - a deep hatred for ex: I abhor going to the dentist because it only means pain for me.

I Abhor people who think they are better than everybody else.

2 Bigot - narrow minded, prejudice person. ex: Adolf Hitler was both a bigot and insane.

3 Counterfeit - fake, false Ex: it was obvious that the hundred dollar bill was counterfeit because it had Abraham Lincoln on it.

4 Noxious - harmful, poisonous. ex: The noxious fumes quickly filled the room. ex2: The venom of a vampire is noxious but it can bring eternal life if the victim doesn't die first.

5 Placid- calm, peaceful. Ex: when all seems placid, beware of the storm is coming.

In the movie lake placid the lake is far from its title.

6 Talisman- lucky charm

A rabbits foot is considered to be a talisman of good luck

A four leaf clover is also considered to be a talisman

7 Aberration- different from what is normal, desirable, or expected

Ex: The dog eating Johnny's homework was an aberration, however, he still got a zero for the assignment

8 Accentuate- to make a feature of something more noticable, to emphasize

Ex: The bite marks on Johnny's neck accentuated the fact that there had been many animal attacks in the area.

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