Friday, September 25, 2009

Is Murder ever justified

Murder ? How can you define murder ? Murder despite what some may believe is the unlawful killing of another. Murder is never justifiable because there is never a good reason to murder somebody. Self defense on the other hand is justifiable because it is one of our natural and constitutional rights has human beings and citizens of the United States Of America. I in no way agree with murder but I do believe in self defense. I believe that every citizen once they reach the legal age has the right to carry a weapon in there vehicle and or on there person. There are many people in our government who believe that this is wrong. They call self defense murder. It is not because it is legal to defend your self. I have but only one question for these types of people. You are walking down the street and someone walks up to you and pulls a knife on you, and says give me all you valuables. they threaten your life, What do you do? The final answer to the question is no, murder is never justifiable.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Antwan Fisher DQs

1 Antwone gets into alot of fights. Do you think he fights because people make him angry or is he already angry ?

Both, when people mess with him they are just adding fuel to the fire.

2 when antwone first goes to see the thearapist he is very vauge with information about his background. Why would he not just come out with all of his history ? Is he hiding something ? How is antwone diffrent or the same as Melindia Sordino in speak ?

He keeps it bottled bottled up, but unlike melindia who is quiet and never talks , when someone messes with him he is quiet

3 Why does antwone say that he should just go to the brig ? How would that be eaiser for him than the alternative that he is given ? He does not want to talk about what he has been through

4 When his shipmates are talking about going home for the holiday, Antwone ignores the question. why? He has no family to go home to

5 During the Thanksgiving dinner at the doctors house Antwone is put into an akward situation when the doctors father asks him questions. Why was it awkward for him. He started asking him about his mother.

6 The doctor at one point says that forgiveness is freeing yourself. Do you agree ? Talk about Antwone and melinda in terms of forgiving themselves. what would they be forgiving themselves for. Why ? yes it allows you to forgive and forget and move on with your life.

7 Discuss two possible themes in Antwone fisher. are there similar ones in speak ? yes they do have similar themes, both of them have had a troubleing past that makes it difficult to live a normal life. Both of them need to forget it and move on.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


1 Parents often argue about what is best for their children.

2 People in small towns somethimes worry about what other people say about them.

3 Johnny Blogger and Susie Grammar traveled with their mother to Carwheal in Corwall.

4 When his mother told him about moving; Johnny said he wouldn't mind starting at a new school.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Abuse senario

If one of my friends were showing signs of abuse then I would try to descretly investigate the situation. I would confront my friend if I have enough evidence to do so I will confront my friend about the situaltion. If I can get an answer out of him thin I would take him or her to talk to an administrator or counseler at school. If I am that persons friend then I should be out for that persons best intrest.

SAT prep

1 Abhor - a deep hatred for ex: I abhor going to the dentist because it only means pain for me.

I Abhor people who think they are better than everybody else.

2 Bigot - narrow minded, prejudice person. ex: Adolf Hitler was both a bigot and insane.

3 Counterfeit - fake, false Ex: it was obvious that the hundred dollar bill was counterfeit because it had Abraham Lincoln on it.

4 Noxious - harmful, poisonous. ex: The noxious fumes quickly filled the room. ex2: The venom of a vampire is noxious but it can bring eternal life if the victim doesn't die first.

5 Placid- calm, peaceful. Ex: when all seems placid, beware of the storm is coming.

In the movie lake placid the lake is far from its title.

6 Talisman- lucky charm

A rabbits foot is considered to be a talisman of good luck

A four leaf clover is also considered to be a talisman

7 Aberration- different from what is normal, desirable, or expected

Ex: The dog eating Johnny's homework was an aberration, however, he still got a zero for the assignment

8 Accentuate- to make a feature of something more noticable, to emphasize

Ex: The bite marks on Johnny's neck accentuated the fact that there had been many animal attacks in the area.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Speak 4 DQ

1 discuss the evolvement of the name of merryweather high mascott and the debate over each name.
Every name they come up with it gets shot down by a liberal orginization or a polictically correct obsessed school board.

2 What draws Melindia and Ivy together ?


3 Do you agree or disagree with Ten or lies Why ?

yes for the most part because they are often true

4 Describe Melindias inner turmoil when she discovers rachel is dating andy. she feels betrayed

5 What is the symbolism of Mr freeman's statement " trees are flexible so they dont snap.

not every tree is perfect

6 How does Melindia begin to assert herself and find her voice ?

when she gets the guts to tell rachel what happend at the party

7 What happens when melindia decides to talk to rachel ?

she doesnt believe her

8 What do the entries under Melindias initial graffiti in the bathroom reveal ?

she is not the only victim of Andy

9 What is the correlation between Mr sordino's treatment and explaination of the diseased tree with Melindias survival

10 What happens at the prom ?

rachel and andy brake up

11 What is the resoulution of the story ?

after andy confronts her she fights him off and he is exposed for who he truly is and Melindia shares what happend at the party with her mom

speak 3 DQ

1 Discuss what precipitates Melindias skipping school and what she does. She gets into an argument with her mother and decides everybody does it so she skipps school.

2 Was being a child better than being a teenager? In what ways? In what ways is it better to be older? Why is it hard to be in between childhood and adulthood? when you are a teen you are not a child and you are not an adult so yes it was easier in some ways but when you are a teen you have more privliges than a Child.

3 Analyze the reference to the symbols in The Scarlet Letter and how melindia would adapt the letter A. The letter A would represent alone in melindias case.

4 Discuss the dissolution of melindia and heathers friendship and the effect it has on Melindia ? when their relationship dissolves her self esteem goes down even more.

5 Analyze the events and effects of valentines day on Melindia and the aftermath. It makes her feel even worse because she is jelouse of everybody else.

6 Melindia wished her science teacher would teach them about love and betrayal instead of about the birds and the bees. Because of her experiance at the party

7 Discuss what happens when Melindia is placed in ISS. How woud you react to this situation. She broke the rules and she got caught, If I was in her situation I would make the best of the situation.

8 Analyze Mr Freeman tells his class " you must walk alone to find your soul" what does this mean? Is it true ? It means someone can not find it for you and yes it is true.

9 Mr freeman also says that art is about making mistakes and learning from them. what else is like this ? life

10 Examine melindias self image and her survival techniques after Heathers rejection she does give the impression heather speaks of through her self image.

11 Examine Melindias revelation about the night of the party and its residual effect on her after her experiance at the party she is mortified for a long time